PreSchool STEM - Tuesdays - 3-5 yrs


9:30am – 10:45am
3-5 year olds

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Monthly Tuition: $290

STEM-based preschool classes encourage children to have fun while they are observing, hypothesizing, experimenting and reflecting about their world. We offer a variety themes including: Engineering: Things that Fly, Chemistry: Kitchen Science, Secret Agent Science as well as Force & Motion and Electricity & Magnetism. The STEM preschool classes combines our structured science curriculum with our maker space, a place for our young engineers to design and build with the proper adult support. Many of our themes are designed around student’s interests and abilities, allowing for child-led projects and explorations. STEM classes prioritize outdoor play, so much of the curriculum is designed to include nature. We extend our STEM concepts to the outdoors as much as possible, exploring and learning at the nearby Spy Pond Fields